The Excalibur Internal Pipe Cutter tool is designed for quick abandonment/removal of pipelines and risers with virtually no ground disturbance. The Excalibur Internal Pipe Cutter is well suited for work in remote areas due to its lightweight and durable construction and ability for easy disassembly. The Excalibur Internal Pipe Cutter maintains a 20-30 minute cut time depending on wall thickness, pipe grade and operator experience. The Excalibur Internal Pipe Cutter is available in 2.00", 3.00", 4.00", 6.00", and 10.00" NTI also has 2.50", 5.00", and 8.00" Adaptor Kits. NTI assembles and supplies rubber plugs for pipe abandonment that are available in 2.00”, 3.00”, 4.00”, 6.00”, and 8.00".
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